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Some thoughts before chinese new year

Useful Tool

TheSharwartz: a job queue management system written in perl.
DBIx::Class: an object mapper of relational database.
Neo4j: a graph database.
Neo4p: a perl wrapper for noe4j rest api.
Mojolicious: a perl web framework, great.

My own project

ck-job-management: first release.
plack: a clone from ruby octopress but have not updated for a long time.
gfm-markdown: an simple perl module to use guthub api as a render engine for markdown.
no-name: a simple website used in my work as a host of job controller for variety perl programs we used every day. It utilized the useful tool like TheSchwartz, DBIx::Class, Mojolicious and ck-job-managerment.

Some thoughts

  1. To develop a worker to control primer3 program and cross-react program (written in java).
  2. A tool to parse kegg and nci pathway and transfer into our own database (neo4j). I also planed to write some website to provide convenient way to query pathway data. (first priority)
  3. Migration of no-name system to ec2 and develop a series process to deploy our program where we want.
  4. Studying more about Mojolicious.


  1. Developing a valuable product or service not only useful in our jobs but also can create some profits along.

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