Linked List
這個禮拜最令我傷神的,不過幸好很久以前有想過一次,所以要回復記憶比較沒有那麼困難。首先我先把C++版本的linked list刻出來,當然骨幹是參考別人的,然後自己有改了些東西,沒花多久時間很快就用出來了。
class CKLinkList{ private: struct node { int x; int y; int z; node *link; } *p; int count_i; public: CKLinkList(); void append(int); void insert_after(int,int); void insert_first(int); void display(void); void display_line(void); int length(void); void del(int); ~CKLinkList(); };
#include <iostream> #include "linklist.h" using namespace std; CKLinkList::CKLinkList(){ p = NULL; count_i = 0; }; int CKLinkList::length(){ return count_i; }; void CKLinkList::del(int num){ node *q, *r; q = p; // No node if (p == NULL) return; // Delete the first node if (q->x == num){ p = q->link; delete q; count_i--; return; } // Delete the remainder r = q; while( q != NULL){ if (q->x == num){ r->link = q->link; delete q; count_i--; return; } r = q; q = q->link; } }; void CKLinkList::insert_first(int num){ node *q, *t; q = p; t = new node; t->x = num; t->y = num*2; t->z = num*3; t->link = q; p = t; count_i++; }; void CKLinkList::insert_after(int start_val,int num){ node *q, *t; if (start_val != 0){ q = p; while(q->link != NULL){ if (q->x == start_val){ t = new node; t->x = num; t->y = num*2; t->z = num*3; t->link = q->link; q->link = t; count_i++; return; } q = q->link; } } }; void CKLinkList::append(int num){ node *q, *t; if (p == NULL){ p = new node; p->x = num; p->y = num*2; p->z = num*3; p->link = NULL; } else { q = p; while(q->link != NULL){ q = q->link; } t = new node; t->x = num; t->y = num*2; t->z = num*3; t->link = NULL; q->link = t; } count_i++; }; void CKLinkList::display_line(void){ node *q; for(q = p; q != NULL; q = q->link){ cout << " <- " << q->x; } cout << endl; }; void CKLinkList::display(void){ node *q; for(q = p; q != NULL; q = q->link){ cout << "This is : " << q->x << ", " << q->y << ", " << q->z << endl; } }; CKLinkList::~CKLinkList(){ node *q; if (p == NULL) return; while (p != NULL){ q = p->link; delete p; p = q; } };
接下來我看到了一個使用C++ template去實作的版本,應該說是某個老師的教學課程(參考第10,11,12章),我就順便把她的課程講義看過一遍,然後把他的版本做出來。第一次使用C++的template,雖然滿麻煩的,但是真的是很強大,看來以後搞不好我的每個程式都要用template去做出來。以下是template的版本:
#include <iostream> using namespace std; template <class T> class ChainNode { private: public: T data; ChainNode<T> *link; ChainNode(void){}; ChainNode(const T& data){ this->data = data; }; ChainNode(const T& data, ChainNode<T> *link){ this->data = data; this->link = link; }; }; template <class T> class Chain { private: ChainNode<T> *first; int count; public: Chain(void){ first = NULL; count = 0; }; bool isEmpty() const {return first == NULL;} int IndexOf(const T&) const; int size(void){return count;} void Delete(int); void Insert(int,const T&); void Display(void); ~Chain(); }; // Destruction template <class T> Chain<T>::~Chain() { while (first != NULL){ ChainNode<T> *next = first->link; delete first; first = next; } }; template <class T> int Chain<T>::IndexOf(const T& theElement) const{ ChainNode<T> *currentNode = first; int index = 0; while(currentNode != NULL && currentNode->data != theElement){ currentNode = currentNode->link; index++; } if (currentNode == NULL) return -1; else return index; }; template <class T> void Chain<T>::Delete(int theIndex){ if (first == NULL) throw "Can not delete empty chain"; ChainNode<T> *deleteNode; if (theIndex == 0){ deleteNode = first; first = first->link; delete deleteNode; count--; } else { ChainNode<T> *p = first; for(int i =0; i< theIndex-1; i++){ if (p == NULL) throw "Element not exist"; p = p->link; } deleteNode = p->link; p->link = p->link->link; delete deleteNode; count--; } } template <class T> void Chain<T>::Insert(int theIndex, const T& theElement){ if (theIndex < 0) throw "Bad"; if (theIndex == 0){ first = new ChainNode<T>(theElement,first); count++; } else { ChainNode<T> *p = first; for(int i = 0; i < theIndex-1; i++){ if (p == NULL) throw "Not Exist"; p = p->link; } p->link = new ChainNode<T>(theElement, p->link); count++; } }; template <class T> void Chain<T>::Display(void){ ChainNode<T> *p = first; while(p != NULL){ cout << " <- " << p->data; p = p->link; } cout << endl; }; int main() { cout << "This is LinkList .." << endl; Chain<int> *list = new Chain<int>; cout << "Size: " << list->size() << endl; list->Insert(0,1); list->Display(); list->Insert(0,2); list->Display(); list->Insert(1,3); list->Display(); list->Insert(1,4); list->Display(); list->Insert(0,5); list->Display(); list->Delete(2); list->Display(); cout << "Size: " << list->size() << endl; }繼續努力加油吧,這星期把linked list搞完之後還有很多要充實的,以上的source code都公布在github上看(其實blog根本不適合看這麼多程式碼是吧XD)。
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